Woman with tattoos and brown hair sitting on wood floor in jeans and a black jean vest

Hey there, Beautiful!

I’m so happy you’re here!

My name is Ashton! I’ve been in the photography world for over a decade, but have mostly worked in motherhood as a birth/newborn photographer my entire career. In 2023 I had some huge changes happen in my life and I realized I was ready to offer more to the women I worked with and adored.

I’ve struggled with my own self esteem most of my life and have had some really low confidence that’s held me back from being where I want to be in my relationships, work, and life in general. There’s something about coming into your 30’s that makes all the fucks given become less and less. I’m learning to love myself along side you and I think so many of us are on that journey right now.

Working with women has always been at the core of my work, no matter what session I’m offering. I want you to feel SEEN. I want you to be a priority for once and boudoir photography allows me to give you that.

You are magic and it’s time you see yourself the way everyone else sees you.

Some random facts about me!

• I’m originally from Virginia but I’ve been in Alaska for over a decade! I’ll be moving to Colorado in October 2024, but have every intention of traveling back to Alaska for work because I can’t stay way forever.

• I’m a neurospicy, AuDHD to be exact. If you’re worried about feeling awkward or being “weird” during your session, rest assured, I will far surpass your weird any day. Being AuDHD has actually made my boudoir sessions so much fun and I’ve been told repeatedly that because of it I am relatable and easy to work with. Most of my sessions just end up with us having giggle fits and you trying to not cry your makeup off from laughing. If you’re a little spicy, you are safe with me. Promise.

• I got married at 18 and was married for 15 years. My divorce brought on a huge shift for me in life and is the reason I got into this work.

• I love being outdoors, even when it’s -10 out. Find me snowshoeing or on my fat tire bike with my Springer running along all winter long.

• Despite not having kids of my own, I love working with them and have been doing so for almost a decade. You can find my family work HERE.